Trial Data

Water quality can make or break herbicide effectiveness. Hard water, rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium, can hinder your herbicides, leading to ineffective weed control and crop health.

VICCHEM’s OUTRIGHT 770 Spray Adjuvant, with its unique formulation featuring ammonium sulphate and HASTEN technology, provides an answer to hard water. In this section, we’ll delve into why hard water is problematic for herbicides and how OUTRIGHT 770 Spray Adjuvant, with solid trial data, is the trusted solution farmers rely on. Say goodbye to hard water issues and hello to improved herbicide performance with OUTRIGHT 770 Spray Adjuvant.


Outright 770 SPRAY ADJUVANT Glasshouse Trial:

Glasshouse Trial

Glyphosate applied at 222g a.i./ha with 11001 nozzle @ 64L/ha to Oats at 1.5-2 leaf. Assessment by fresh weight 14 DAT. The trial shows that increased water hardness results in reduced efficacy when Glyphosate is applied without suitable adjuvants. In this trial OUTRIGHT 770 Spray Adjuvant when applied at either 0.25% or 0.5% effectively softens the water and provides the efficacy enhancement from its surfactants and oils.


Trial Data that Tells the Story

The effectiveness of VICCHEM’s OUTRIGHT 770 Spray Adjuvant in hard water suppression is not just a claim; it’s backed by solid trial data. Field trials have consistently demonstrated that when OUTRIGHT 770 Spray Adjuvant is added to your herbicide mix, it dramatically improves control, even in the presence of hard water. Let’s take a closer look at the findings:

A pivotal trial conducted in Nungarin, Western Australia, in 2013 showed the remarkable impact of VICCHEMs OUTRIGHT 770 Spray Adjuvant on herbicide performance, particularly in challenging conditions. In this trial, OUTRIGHT 770 Spray Adjuvant was applied alongside RoundUp* Attack and Garlon* Fallow Master.

Field Trials at Nungarin, Western Australia (2013)

The results were clear:

Increased Control

OUTRIGHT 770 spray adjuvant, at a concentration of 0.5%, significantly increased the control of weeds, including Melons and Burr Grass.

Extended Effectiveness

When sprayed with OUTRIGHT 770 spray adjuvant, the dry-down rate of spray droplets on weeds was notably delayed, allowing for more prolonged herbicide action.

Improved Hard Water Tolerance

This is where OUTRIGHT 770 spray adjuvant excels. The trial demonstrated that even in the presence of hard water, its effectiveness was retained, overcoming the typical loss of herbicide efficacy associated with hard water.

These results underline the vital role of OUTRIGHT 770 spray adjuvant in addressing the challenges posed by hard water, making it a must-have tool in your herbicide arsenal. Say goodbye to the frustrations of hard water interference and embrace the consistent and reliable performance offered by Outright OUTRIGHT 770 spray adjuvant. Your crops and yields will thank you.

Our farming program benefits using the Nurse Truck set up and OUTRIGHT fits the bill as the mixer for Glyphosates. OUTRIGHT mixes well with all Glyphosates and it works well. Having a product like OUTRIGHT 770 with SOA, some wetter and HASTEN technology in one drum is a blessing and at similar cost.

— Scott Walton – WA